How To Assemble A Basic Toolbox

What kind of toolbox do I need?

The most basic solution is simply to use a milk crate or any other container that will support the weight of all those tools. That would work just fine for someone who isn’t going to use his tools all that much. If you are planning to keep the box stationary and carry individual tools to where you are working, you can buy a larger, more involved version. But if you really want to keep your entire tool collection mobile, then you’ll want something smaller. You may also choose to purchase a larger, stationary kit for storing all your tools as well as a small kit for carrying selected tools around the house. A really handy stationary box for the person who’s going to us it a lot is a multidrawer kit. If you have children, you’ll want something that has a good lock. If the box is going to be indoors all the time, you can select a metal model. But if you are exposing it to the elements, find one made of a rust-free material, such as plastic or stainless steel.

Avoid getting mesmerized by fasteners

In builder-speak a fastener is a nail, a screw, a bolt or any item that gets driven or screwed into two pieces of material to hold those two together. There is enough kind of fasteners in the world to fill many, many toolboxes. The temptation, when you get into the hardware store, is going to be to buy box after box of every fastern under the sun. Please don’t.

The plain truth is that most of them are going to collect dust in your tool kit, and when it comes time to do a specific job, you’ll find that despite all these fasteners you may have bought, you don’t have the right ones on hand anyway. But you do want some fasteners around, just in case. Your local hardware store will likely have for sale some small boxes with miscellaneous selections of nails and screws in them. If you buy a few of those, you’ll have something on hand for small jobs and will have saved yourself a lot of money

What kind of hammer should I choose?

Stay away from a hammer that is too small or too large. The little ones make you work too hard, and the big ones are impossible to deal with. Pick up a few hammers and choose one that makes you feel comfortable. That standard hammer head is 4 1/2 inches from front to claw. That standard hammer length, including the head, is 1 foot. Handles come in wood and metal. Choose whatever feels best to you, but make sure the handle is solid. Hollow handles tends to break. Also make sure the hammer head is attached tightly to the handle. A flying hammer head is a dangerous thing. There are various kinds of hammers for different jobs. For your tool kit you’ll want a curved-claw hammer, meaning the two prongs in the back of the hammer’s head are curved for removing nails.