How to Install Carpet Tiles on Your Own

Are you interested in having carpet tiles installed but you do not want the expense of paying for them to be fitted for you? You do not need to worry because even if you are inexperienced, installing them is really easy.

Here are the materials and steps that you need to know if you do decide to install carpet tiles on your own:

1. You need to have a set of carpet tiles (brand new, second hand, or used), ruler or measuring tape, a marker pen, a sharp tile cutter, a good pair of heavy duty scissors, a damp mop, and a good quality carpet tile adhesive.

2. Measure the area where you want to install the carpet tiles using the ruler or measuring tape.

3. Check the tiles to see if they fit the exact measurements that you have just obtained. You can even lay-out the tiles temporarily so you can have an overall view of how it would look like. Remove furniture and other appliances when you are doing the lay-out.

4. In case you do need to cut out a tile, take your time in measuring so you won’t make a mistake. Mark the area where you need to make the cut using the marker pen. Cut out the tile according to your measurement using a sharp cutter or heavy duty scissors. If you are using a cutter, make sure that you cut the tile, on a surface that cannot be damaged by the cutter’s blade. Make a small mark at the back of the carpet to avoid confusion when you are making more than one cut tile. Some even come with directional arrow markings at the back so you won’t get confused with the direction that you are laying out the tiles.

5. Stack the tiles in the same order after you have finished with cutting tiles and laying them out, so you can easily lay them out later without having to search for the correct tile.

6. It is important that the surface is clean and dry so that the glue bonds properly so, clean the surface to which the tiles will be attached, using a damp mop and let it dry.

7. Apply the carpet tile adhesive in a small area (at least 4 tiles per quadrant) based on the manufacturer’s instructions. This allows you enough time to lay out the tiles without working too fast because the adhesive might dry out. It is highly recommended that you begin at one corner or near the wall to be sure that the tiles fit properly.

8. Return all the furniture and appliance that you removed from the room.

9. Take a step back, look at the carpet tiles, and give yourself a pat on the back for your good work.