Mole Repellent for Control of Moles

Mole repellent can be, at times, a good way to control moles. These animals are insectivores. As a result, they burrow underneath gardens and lawn seeking grub, mites and ants, which can be a good thing. They have huge appetites, because their way of life requires a lot of energy expenditure. They are quite active during the day, digging and burrowing tunnels under the earth.

At night, they are also quite active, eating, digging and creating their intricate tunnel systems. However, once they start to overpopulate they begin to cause damage to expensive lawns and gardens. This is where their usefulness stops. It is at this point, that homeowners need to begin thinking about the different types of mole repellent that are available for mole control.

Mole tunnels can be spotted by their infamous molehills. These consist of small areas of raised soil on one’s lawn, garden, golf course or other landscaping. They are small, cone shaped formations that resemble little volcanoes. These are formed when the moles displace the soil to created their dens and tunnels. Not only are these tunnels unsightly, they can also cause someone to trip, fall and sustain an injury. Molehills are just the right size to catch a heel and make someone twist an ankle or worse. When a multitude of these molehills begins to appear, one should not hesitate to investigate the different options for mole repellent.

Mole repellent consists of a liquid that wards off moles and other small pests. It is also available in pill, powder or in granular forms, but liquid is the most commonly used type of mole repellent. A popular type of mole repellent uses castor oil, because moles hate this oil and will flee from it. It lasts for about three months and can endure even heavy rain downpours. This type of mole repellent is sprayed near or over the molehills and tunnel areas, and then soaked with a hose until the soil is saturated, causing the odor to permeate the moles’ dwellings. Soaking provides maximum penetration of the mole repellent into the soil.

When the granular type of mole repellent is properly used, it is applied to the mole tunnel every five inches by digging a small hole with a metal pole or wooden stick. Once the repellent is applied, the hole is covered up and tamped flat. Just as the liquid type of repellent, water is applied with a hose until the area has been saturated. This is another type of castor oil product. When moles ingest it, they get sick with gastrointestinal problems. Moles also respond to garlic-infused products.

However, the very best way to insure moles are driven away from a desired area is to enlist the assistance of a professional animal control service or exterminator. These specially trained individuals can best determine the scope of the problem by properly identifying the moles and decide whether it is better to use traps or some type of mole repellent.